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John Crassidis


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

John Crassidis

Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY-14260

Voice: 716-645-1426
Email: johnc (at) buffalo_dot_edu
Bio: CV


Welcome to the ANCS Laboratories Wiki.

We are located in the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department of University at Buffalo [Map]. Our group focuses on research related to the general area of uncertainty propagation, nonlinear filtering, stochastic control and multi-resolution modeling.

LAIRS lab is equipped with Quanser's 2-DOF helicopter, four Dragonfly's quadrotor, and state-of-the-art VICON's 3D motion capturing system. The main feature of the VICON motion capture system is their smart cameras with three high speed on-board processors which allows on board intelligent image processing and thus, delivers data faster(up to 1000 frames per second). In addition to this, the LAIRS lab also houses the VIDERE Design and MobileRobots's Pioneer 3 DX mobile platforms capable of carrying a full load of robotics equipment, including an integrated PC, indoors and outdoors laser rangefinder, pan tilt unit, sonar ring, Pioneer 3DX robot arm and stereo camera.

The simulation environment in the LAIRS lab uses MATLAB/Simulink, Maple, Mathematica, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Java and C/C++ extensively.

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